How to delete a Whatsapp account? How to freeze or restore Whatsapp account?

How to freeze or restore Whatsapp account? How to delete a Whatsapp account? 

what is whatsapp: Whatsapp application, which has millions of users, is used as instant messaging as we know it.
Users are exploring how to freeze their Whatsapp account. So how do I delete a Whatsapp account? How to make Whatsapp freeze and restore?


You can delete your account from WhatsApp.

Important: Deleting your account is an irreversible action, even if you did this by mistake, we cannot undo it.

HOW TO DELETE A WHATSAPP ACCOUNT, To delete your WhatsApp account:
  1. Open WhatsApp.
  2. Go to Settings> Account> Delete My Account.
  3. Type in your phone number with its international code and tap Delete My Account.


Restoring Your whatsapp Messages: You can back up your WhatsApp data using Google Drive or local backup. The local backup is automatically created on your phone every morning at 02:00 and saved as a file on your phone.

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