The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Society

  The Effect of Artificial Intelligence on Society, deep learning, natural language processing

As we enter the technology age, everything is consumed very quickly and most of the new things are gaining popularity by being accepted very quickly. We all agree that the most important invention in the early ages was the discovery of fire. Now, in today's technology age, artificial intelligence may be the most important invention as much as this fire invention. The most important factor in humanity's coming to this time is that the human brain is more advanced than other living things and can think.

deep learning algorithms and deep neural network

From the concept of ai, it has recently become a topic that everyone hears and talks about. In fact, the concept of artificial intelligence is not a new concept; on the contrary, we can say that the emergence of artificial intelligence dates back to very old times.

If you follow technological developments, you can see that various AI programs are being created and different types of robots are being started. Immediately after these developments, many concepts such as deep learning and natural language processing started to be produced by software technology companies, and the number of films about that topic increased.

ai program and turing test

While ai is so much in us, some people and societies still oppose this technology. Some people even say that ai technology will bring the end of the world.

advances in machine learning and  strong ai

In some people, in the future, human beings believe that we will be immortal by transitioning from carbon-based life to silicon based life and build our own empires in deep space.

I agree to experience any positive or negative effects of technology with the advancement of ai and technology in the same direction.

One day in history, human beings will use ai for very useful works.

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